
How do rocks and gems fuel paranormal activity?

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From what I've gathered about the subject, it is all based upon theory. However, I am wondering if anyone can explain why this happens and how (even if in a logical theory)? Why are certain types of rocks and gems (special), considered fuel over others?




  1. Actually, no, there is no theory whatsoever. Conjecture, yes. Folklore, myth, sure. But no theory. A theory, scientifically speaking, is a framework of experimentally confirmed testable hypotheses that together explain a repeatable observation.  There is no such thing for how rocks or gems affect paranormal activity, or for paranormal activity in general. So the answer is that rocks/gems are not associated with paranormal activity as far as scientific, experimental investigation can tell.

    EDIT: Just to clear up some bad science below, the only thing organic about limestone is that it contains a carbon atom (calcium carbonate), comprising only 12% by mass. Many things on this earth (perhaps most) contain some carbon.

  2. Yes, you are correct, there is a theory out there that water and limestone can attract or hold onto paranormal activety. I do not know why or how, nor see any logic behind it but I have heard about it several times. I will look into it and get back to you.

    EDIT: Okay so I asked a TAPS family member (NOT TAPS). This is what I got, word for word:  

    Actually the theory is that limestone and water can raise levels of EMF and limestone is crystalline in nature and crystal is supposed to also do that...

    High EMF or electromagnetic fields, are theoretically what ghosts use as a power source to materialize.....

    Another theory among investigators is that limestone and crystal "store" energy, such as in a residual haunting, giving the playback a source

    Well, its a case of trial and error...sometimes a theory is born of this place has this activity and so does that one ...what do they have in common?

    <TapsFamilyJeff> its an ongoing science.

    Hope that helps.

  3. Well, first of all some people are stupid. They are superstitious

    and so have to endow everything with a larger than life

    pretend powerful nature. Then gem and mineral dealers, being

    sleaseball shysters cut from the same cloth of horse traders, rug merchants,

    and used car salesmen play up this angle so that they can

    make a buck.

    Thus a _____ and his/her _____ are soon parted. Fill in the


  4. Where have you come into this knowledge?

    I would say that it is all bunk.

    But when something doesn't work anyway, someone can make up whatever the heck they like and believers will eat it up.

  5. It is said that limestone stores spiritual energy kinda like a battery. Limestone is also mostly organic. Spirits may use this for a source of energy to manifest. The ancients went to great lengths to quarry specific types of limestone to build their megalithic structures. They built these stuctures on ley lines, which are currents of energy that circumnavigate the Earth. Crystals on the other hand, are primarily used to channel that energy. How all this works is beyond scientific understanding, that's why it's currently considered paranormal.

  6. Everything has energy.  Negative attracts negative and positive attracts positive.

  7. Everything has a vibration and that can be what makes the difference in some people's minds.

    The Breastplate of Aaron in the bible was made up of certain gemstones that were put in at the direction of God.

    Of course if you believe that God is a myth....

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