
How do runs / doing activities raise money for charities?

by  |  earlier

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I have heard of people going on runs for the cure and stuff like that but i wonder, how does running generate money for the charity? Is it just the advertisements that get sold combined with the entrance fees or is it something more.

Also i vaguely remember something about a perosn going on a really long cross country hike to raise money for some charity.,.... has this ever happened and how did he/she get the money?

Basically im asking because i want to do this, i want to take next summer off and pretty much hike the entire thing somewhere in the USA so i figure i might as well do it for a cause i can raise some money for. Is this possible and if so how?




  1. i think you have people sponser you, like if you run this amount they give you this much money, stuff like that, just get lots of them, and you can have people join in with you and gt them to get some sponsers too..thats how we do it when we have charity events.

  2. Yes, runs for the cure, etc., ask you to go around and get donations from people.  You can ask for a flat donation or for so much per mile you run, etc.  The organization also gets businesses to sponsor the run, providing things needed for the run such as drinks, etc.

    As for a cross country hike, you get sponsors to help supply whatever you need, such as a van to carry your supplies and support team.  Then, on the hike, you stop in towns and visit with people and ask them to donate to the organization you are supporting.  One person did a trip around the world to bring awareness to vision problems and ended up visiting and being supported by Lion's Clubs around the world.

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