
How do schedules at McDonalds work?

by Guest31905  |  earlier

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I recently got a job at McDonald's (as in yesterday) and I have an 'orientation' next Thursday. Unfortunately, I have a really busy week the week after orientation... of course. So, I need to know how the shifts are chosen and such. As in, I can't work most of Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday morning, and possibly the 23rd, 24th and 25th in the morning. I know, bad to do so early after being hired but..... I can't miss out on these. They've been planned for months.

Help is GREATLY appreciated! Thanks!




  1. well, my boss is pretty flexible on my hours, so just tell him/her about your situation and they should understand. after all there are a lot more mcdonalds employees

  2. Just tell your supervisor. I worked there for two years and they don't give you many hours at first anyway. And even if you get scheduled, you can always trade shifts with someone. Also, if you need an afternoon off offer to work earlier in the day. It'll look better than just asking for the entire day off.  

  3. I worked at McDonald's for a week. I had appointments up the ying yang and I was not even told when I was suppose to come in and work. On my 2nd day of work,I walked in wearing my street clothes and my manager asked me why I was not dressed in uniform. I did not know I had to be in uniform as she did not tell me. I thought I would be sitting in the room watching those boring videos.This continued all week without knowing when I was needed and I had asked. I was being flip flopped around.

    To make a long story short,I came in late on the day I was suppose to work(and this was my last day working there) My manager jumped down my throat in front of the crew members stating"I can not be having you come in whenever you want" when I was always there at least 10 minutes before my scheduled shift. I had everyone staring at me which was embarasing.I guess her mood was not as pleasant that day and she told me she did not need me. Excuse me if you can not schedule me on a shift..1 day I came in late and she let me go..

    Hopefully,you don't have a manager I had.Just be upfront with your boss and tell him/her exactly when you are available.Fast food is flexible and they will always work with you.

    Good luck

  4. If you cant work certain times, all the time, then thats just your natural availability, and they would generally hire you knowing what you can and cannot work (eg, school kids cant work through the day).

    However, if you cant work cos of a friends party, it might be worth weighing it up whether its really worth it, especially if you just got the job. Maybe you could ask for a short shift?

    When I worked there, shifts ranged from 3 hours to 8 hours in length.

    I would recommend going to them and saying "I have some pre-planned things on these days at these times. Would it be possible to work around it?" ... rather than "I cant work here".  At least shows your willing to try and work it out on your side too.  

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