
How do science created

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How do science created




  1. how was science created? or how does science create (what?)

  2. How was science created?

    When man started to think about things it was called Philosophy.  It soon became apparent that there were several different aspects to this thinking about things.  They separated philosophy into different areas and one area was called Natural Philosophy.  Natural Philosophy was thinking and study of nature.

    Initially Natural Philosophy was largely confined to just thinking about nature.  There were few instruments with which to measure things.  Over the years the ability to measure things increased and soon measurement was the hallmark of Natural Philosophy.  But Philosophy is usually mostly about thinking.  So in the 1700s the word “Science” started to be used to describe the more exact knowledge created using the new method using experimentation.

  3. If you are my friend Noemi, you may recognize who I am by my style of writing.  If not, then God keep you.

    "Science" is a Greek word that means "awareness."  It is the common descendant of thousands of years of magic, legend, myth, and what was called "natural philosophy."  These things sort of congealed into a way of thinking and cataloging thoughts about 300-350 years ago in the great universities of Europe.

    Philosophers determined that discovery by a process of hypothesis, leading to experimentation, leading to a theory being proved or disproved, leading to acceptance after others replicated the same results--worked, and allowed the whole body of human knowledge to move forward in tiny steps as the scientific workers compared their methods and the results.

    There is a reason why the word "laboratory" starts with the word "labor."

    If you will visit the library or scout around on the internet, you will find tons of information under "history of science."

  4. It came out of philosophy, or the urge for people to understand and explain the things around them.  It became science when people started to test their explanations by experiment.  You can try Wikipedia for "History of Science", but it doesn't really emphasize what I said in the second sentence.  I got this idea from reading popular science books by Isaac Asimov, Stephen Jay Gould and people like that, but I can't remember a particular book where it says just that.

  5. Believe it or not it sprouted from magic... namely Hermetic.
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