
How do scorpio males like to be treated?

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what do they like and what don't they like?





    They like good food so cook him a nice meal with a romantic set-up, candles etc.!!!

  2. You do know horoscopes are a load of made up fantasy don't you?

    Treat them normally, their birthday doesn't mean you have to treat one person differently than another.

  3. Always answer when he calls. Pay attention to what he's said or/done show you care. Just like any other man know how cook or bake and he'll keep coming back. If he's in a bind be there. Be reliable, when you say you'll do something do it. Don't let him walk all over you, he'll respect you more if you can call him out on things he's doing wrong. Be faithful and conservative. I think Scorpio men are attracted to wild women, but they settle with the good girl type.

  4. they like to have tons of s*x and they don't like it when they think your trying to put them down its very hard to have an opinion with a scorpio man  

  5. They like to have an audience because they like to talk a lot I would say that they are smart. They hate it when the one he likes lies to him and will see them as a phony. They are a jealous type but they like to get a lot of attention from the person he likes. They are very sexual if they aren't sexually satisfied they tend to be a******s but otherwise they are fun to be around and really know how to draw a crowd.

  6. Introduce him to a word he hasn't heard before, the word "No."

    they are used to people melting over them, being intimidated and

    giving them whatever they want.

    Don't give him whatever he wants.  If you let him walk on you, he won't like it.  Sounds like a contradiction, but I've been dating mine for over 2 years and this works.

    Don't play a lot of games, be supportive and encouraging, but if he's doing something that's wrong, bad for him or even something you don't like, tell him. Don't be crazy about it. Be confident, act as though your opinion is just as important as his, because it is.  Demystify that famous scorpio mystique a bit.  He's still just a person with feelings and fears.  He likes to make the decisions and as a cancer, I'm usually ok with that, but every once in a while, I'm not and instead of shutting up all the time I speak up. He loves it.  

    other than that, never disrespect him especially in public.  If he opens up to you, you see him cry or something, don't put it on the 6 o clock news! He'll be so pissed.  

    also you hear a lot about jealousy and possession.

    Its true, but he wants to hide it.

    I say poke that jealousy once in awhile. Especially if he's getting cocky about how you're totally his or he knows he'd never have to worry. (so arrogant!)

    Just mention that nice guy in class who offered you his notes even though he didn't know you.  How nice you thought all those guys in your class were rude, but that was so helpful.

    Nothing big, not totally innocent, or anything hurtful.

    But when I mention things like that, I can hear my scorpios blood boiling.  :D heheh  

    trust me, in his own twisted way, he likes it!  It keeps things interesting for him.  

  7. My parent are both Scorpio horoscope. There isnt anything they like, or dislike. Horoscope is just fantasy things what they believes.  Every year has thousand of people writing the new horoscopes.

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