
How do season train tickets work with employers?

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Can you usually get an annual/season train ticket paid for then taken out of your montly salary whilst you are still in probation? My probationnary period is 1 year, so could this mean I will have to pay the full amount myself up front in the first year?

(Please don't say 'check with your employer' - obviously I will do this at the appropriate moment after I start work, this is just an 'in the meantime' budgeting question...)




  1. wow that's a long probation period, i think they should but unfortunately there is no one answer as this will vary from employer to employer.

    normally they either pay the full amount or some company's get it "priv" which means you pay for it but at a discounted rate i.e you don't pay the full amount.

    i know you didn't want to here it but checking with the employer is the only way to know that way you can still work on your budget

    Good luck with your job

  2. in London many employers will give you an advance of salary to buy an annual season ticket that gets deducted back out of your salary each month ... quite a number will do it fairly soon after you start (not necessarily immediately but maybe after 3 months or something) ... it's debatable whether they would do it from the start ... there's nothing wrong with asking about this before you actually start, it's not as if they're going to withdraw their offer of employment just because you've asked the question, and I certainly wouldn't wait until I'd started before I asked the question as it's important to know

  3. Most UK employers won't pay for your travel costs to and from work, if they're based in an accessible fixed location. Unless your job involves lots of travelling to different places because of the job, and unless you have already been told that your travel expenses will be paid, then you have to assume that you will not receive any contribution to your travel costs.

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