
How do s*x addicts convince themselves they are not hurting anyone else?

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I was married to a s*x addict for 29 years, during that time my husband cheated and lied and lived a double life. He even went so far as to cheat with his best friends wife and bring her into our home for me to cook for and give gifts to her child. I would really like to know how someone could do this and then when the wife says enough and divorces him he can then s***w her out of money. How is it possible someone can be this cruel?




  1. this is not the fault of "s*x addiction" this is the fault of an ****** who took advantage then used "s*x addiciton" as an excuse.

    s*x addiction can or can not hurt others- it all depends on how open with thier wants and needs they are.

    if they are honest about having an "open relationship" or not bieng serious and just foolign around then they are not hurting anyone.

    if however like in your case they are decietfull- then my bet is it is the decietfull nature of this person that is what the heart of the problem is and not the s*x addiction.

  2. No matter what some psychologists attempt to state there IS NO SUCH THING AS SEXUAL ADDICTION!!! The top sexual specialist in the country, Marty Klein PhD, states clearly there is no such thing. Every definition of an addiction does not support the idea of a "sexual addiction"  Yes, one can have an OBSESSION about s*x but not an addiction.  Check the dictionary for definition of each word and also the DSM and any aspect of sexuality is not defined in such a way. Other behavior exhibited can be done with any problem, not just sexuality.  One cannot discuss any problem of behavior unless definitions are clear and accepted by all. Those who would call sexual behavior an addiction usually have an agenda ie. making sexuality a guilt trip and making sexuality evil.  Nowhere am I excusing the behavior described but let's use the correct terms and then the behavior can be dealt with in a correct way.

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