
How do s**y Bratz dolls affect the young girls who play with them?

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Are they simply attractive, fashion-oriented dolls that spark imagination? Or do they subversively imply that to "belong" to the "in" crowd means to be sexually seductive? Bratz have extremely unnatural proportions that dramatize feminine sensuality. They have plump, pouty lips and eyes as wide as their necks. They dress in fashions most likely to be seen on models featured in exotic gentleman's clubs. Little girls BEG for these dolls. Why?




  1. Hm, good question. I never really thought about that either. I mean the classic barbies have better proportions than these bratz.

    I personally doubt that these dolls have anything to do with sexuality, just that sassy, attitude sort of feeling with fashion, you know?

    But this was an interesting question.

  2. I believe Bratz dolls affect all young children, both girls and boys. It gives little girls the impression that this is how they're supposed to look like. They are supposed to be stick thin with big, round eyes (that almost look S****y, if you ask me) and big, pouty lips. It is no surprise to see girls in this day and age as young as 10 dressing in short mini skirts, tight tops, and makeup talking on their cell phones (!!!) about superficial, meaningless, materialistic c**p - literally. Television, products, and toys like this are the reason our little girls are growing up to look like these Bratz dolls.

    Bratz dolls give little boys the impression that girls who look like this in real life are the prettiest and best ones of the bunch. It may not seem like it is affecting young kids, but it is, even if it is on a subconscious, subliminal level.

    Before I get slandered by other posters, note that this does not apply to EVERY single child.... but it does affect a vast majority of children.

    I agree with this woman's post on Bratz dolls wholeheartedly. Check it out:

  3. I completely disagree with that first answer, that they have absolutely nothing to do with sexuality.

    What doesn't have anything do to with sexuality these days?  EVERYTHING does!  Especially these dolls.  They are just like the Barbie doll.  They provide an idea of what is ideal.  Unfortunately this is something so embedded in our belief system that I don't think it will ever leave.  

    It it almost impossible to prevent any girl from playing with some kind of Barbie or Bratz doll.  The only thing you can do is work extremely hard at teachers your daughters and young girls about positive body image.  Unfortunately even doing that doesn't prevent a very large percentage of girls from having self esteem issues, but there really isn't anything else we can do.  

  4. for god Sakes it a F#cking doll, what about little boys Action figures, a bunch of muscle men who Love to shoot guns at each other, and Kill thats so great..they are toys harmless they may promote certain things in a way but its all up to that person who is playing with them to think what they wont, than again their are good arguments saying how they could be Bad,but who cares we Protect kids from to much know a can do Sh#t without Some B#tch saying its bad for you, oh But wait its fine for 66% of america to be fat, you cant smoke weed, or have lots of s*x or anything fun without people saying its bad, s***w that i do what i want

    if it was A FAT GIRL DOLL i bet everyone else would be happy, its c**p to get all angry, it promotes mabye 1 look, but you if it promoted the look all the people who B#tch about it said, than those who dont like it would Complain and B#tch, its never ending Complaning about not Having your Way,,arent i so full of Hypocriticalness, we all do what we think is good enough for others, but in a way is that so bad, or yes it is , if it interfers with personal choices

  5. little girls and some little boys want to look like them. And boys think that is how girls are SUPPOSE to look. Then these same kids are educated on how to act by watching their cartoons. People really do emulate what they see even if is a doll and a cartoon. The amount of emulation depends on the amount of fondness for whatever it is- in this case Bratz.

    Bratz are just part of the dumbing down and lowering the self esteem of Americans.

  6. I think for the majority of girls, they have no effect. My daughters played with them for a while and then lost interest in them. They no longer have these dolls and don't really care.

  7. Come on look at some of these pics do these characters look wholesome to you? I say that unless you are training your daughter to be a hooker they shouldn't have these dolls

    Although if a kid is kicking and screaming for one you might want to get them one of the sports kind.

  8. It probably adds to the effect that turns them into real life, superficial, brats.

  9. The American Psychological Association agrees with you and have devoted a good deal of research to the subject:

  10. It's early training for them to become the next crop of Brittney and Lindsey wanna bees.

    Be sure to turn them on to this game as well.

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