
How do sharks reproduce and what about their reproductive organs?

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I have a fear of sharks so I can't look at pictures. But it is required of me that I do a mini-presentation on shark reproduction. I need a good place to start and possibly a site that does not show any photos of live sharks, I mean it seriously scares me.

Also, is it true that sharks have multiple sexual organs? O.o




  1. Sharks are ovovivparous. That is, they have internal fertilization and the eggs are retained in a uterus-like structure until they hatch and are expelled. The sperm are transferred via "claspers" on the male

    s pelvic fin. This utilizes a set of three oddly-shaped catilages which prompted a coed in Comparative Anatomy class to remark, "Boy, I'm glad I'm not a shark!"

    If you have trouble looking at pix of live sharks, get a comparative anatomy textbook.

  2. Sharks may reproduce in three different ways.

    The first way is called Oviparity. This is the process by which a female shark lays eggs which will hatch into indentical (but smaller) versions of their parents. Some examples of oviparous sharks are the Port Jackson shark and the Swell Shark.

    Viviparity is the process by which the females maintain a placental link to the eggs and give birth to live sharks, Examples would be the bull shark, tiger shark, and basking shark.

    Ovoviviparity is the the most common form of shark reproduction. It is the process by which the eggs hatch inside the mother's body and feed on their own yolk until birth. There are some species of shark which also practice oophagy, which is the process by which the egg to hatch first inside the mothers body eats all the other eggs, forcing the mother to give birth to only one shark. Whale sharks are a good example of ovoviviparity.

    Also, scientists have recently discovered that some species of shark can reproduce asexually, without coming in contact with sperm. They believe this is very rare however, and it is unhealthy because it creates a lack of genetic diversity.

    hope that helps!

    and to correct oikos: not all sharks are ovoviviparous. sharks exhibit all kinds of reproduction. dont worry, im sure it was an honest mistake!

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