
How do ships navigate the north pole isn't the ocean like frozen?

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i know some submarines stay under for about ships!




  1. There are ships that are called ice breakers that are used to navigate the waters in some areas. Mainly these vessels are used for research, not necessarily passenger ships. Plus, the ice breakers must have incredibly trained crews as  it can be quite dangerous navigation.

  2. check out the environment catagory for arguements on this one.    Some ships stay under forever, not just months.    The old soviet union has an arctic port they keep open with icebreakers.   The southern parts of the ocean along land is melting more each summer.

  3. ships  have a big peice on the front that is usally is shaped like a ball or something else and it is half way under the water and above the water and it breaks the ice

  4. Not even Ice breakers can get all the way through in the wrong season.

    The North Passage of the arctic ocean is navigable from about June to August...then it freezes again. A vessel must get a visa from Russia to pass through.

    Look up The North Passage.

  5. They don't icebreakers can only go so far then you must have ground transport that can operate in sub-zero temp.s  or  air transport to get there.

  6. Its now possible during summer, to navigate the arctic ocean.  Unfortunately not exactly at the North Pole.

    Even so, ice breakers are able to keep it open most of the year.

    with global warming, plans are now being made for regular shipping routes, year round.  It would eliminate the souther route around S. America and the Panama Canal.

    direct Shipments from Asia to Europe....


  7. not all the time and soon never.

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