
How do smart Americans show the slower Americans that Obama is not the correct choice?

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How do smart Americans show the slower Americans that Obama is not the correct choice?




  1. By voting for Obama. If he does something illegal, let me know, otherwise you aren't convincing me.

  2. you have it backwards - the smart Americans are already supporting Obama - time for the rest to join the winning team!!

  3. why isn't he the right choice?

    i wanted clinton but i would rather have obama than freaking mccain

    i think mccain voters are the slower americans

    obama is an amazing choice

    why are you against him? because he cares about america?

  4. Lets look at Universal Health care, countries that have it Canada, and England, it is really bad.  People can die waiting to be served.

    Or draw a picture of Obama with a red circle and slash trough and write bad choice. LOL

  5. Why do you ask such an insulting thing?  If you are so smart, then you would have capitalized the first word.

  6. The mentally challenged may never understand how wrong Obama is.

    The fact that he is a socialist with a racist past and no experience doesn't matter to them. His supporters are in denial.

  7. What you have to do is open border to an illegal work force. Then you have to have your largest employer open their purchasing headquaters in china so it'll be easier to purchase the %70 of merchandise made out of the country. Then you have the same employer Wal-Mart break every wage and labor law emagineable so they need welfare assistance and healthcare. That will show them Americans your so much smarter than.

  8. First you have to explain why you were so smart to vote for Bush last time. Good luck!

  9. How's McCain the right choice?

  10. Are these the same 'smart Americans' that voted for Bush?

  11. Be he the right choice   or  in your opinion   the wrong choice

    is certaintly up to each and every one of us...thats why we call

    this America..We have rights...and you can be as ignorant

    as you want to be, you have excerized that right, by asking this question. I on the other hand do not like what you said,however i recognize your right to say it.

    Go right ahead and show your ignorance, this is the land of the free and the home of many knaves.

  12. Keep repeating the truth.Over and over again. Neo-Cons are proof positive that democrats can mature and become better educated about  very complex issues.

  13. Presumably, you consider yourself to be among the smart Americans, and I'm sure you are.  If you truly are a smart American, then you will know that you cannot persuade anyone to vote for your preferred candidate by saying, "I'm smarter than  you.".

    Some Americans think (mistakenly, in my opinion) that George W. Bush is stupid.  When he was re-elected for the second term, an American friend of mine frequently lamented how anyone could have been so stupid as to vote for him.  She was so upset that she said that she could not live in an America governed by Mr. Bush, and moved to the Peoples Republic of China, where (in my friend's opinion anyway) they have truly great leaders and true democracy.  

    You will not be astonished to learn that we are not friends anymore.  Please try to learn from her error and conceit.

    By the way, I am no admirer of Mr. Bush.  To respond to a previous answerer, who called Mr. Obama a "black Jimmy Carter", I think that history will be a lot kinder to Mr. Carter than to either Mr. Bush Sr. or Jr, or for that matter to any postwar president including John Kennedy.

  14. lol cbjack he is a black jimmy carter, and im at the point where i think there is no hope for the slower americans so ima just wait until they die out from smoking too much pot

  15. He is showing them himself. Just ask them to listen carefully with an open mind. The man is terrible for America. He is at best, a black Jimmy Carter.

  16. The same way you convince terrorists that there is no Allah. You can't talk people out of their religion. The only thing to do is beat them any way you can and hope the next generation is smarter.

    If Rev. Wright won't convince them and "punished with a baby" won't convince them, nothing will.

  17. Your question isn't a question, but an insult.  Do you think that insulting people will motivate them to vote for the candidate that you think is the correct choice.  If you do, then it seems as though the "slower Americans" who think Obama is the correct choice aren't the only ones that are slow.

  18. Well, first of all you can stop looking down your nose.  Putting down other people's beliefs may make you feel superior in the short term but it doesn't last very long.  Nor does it solve any issues.  

    You might try explaining the long term effects his position on NAFTA and or immigration will have on the US.  Or you can go into detail about what his healthcare proposals will cost each American and why you think its a bad idea.    Those would be good places to start and will actually reveal your intelligence without ramming it down people's throats.  They might even be impressed.

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