
How do some Americans justify saying that Bush is more believable than Putin?

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I've been looking at questions and answers on here regarding Putin's claim that the US administration was responsible for the conflict between Russia and Georgia and one reason was to benefit John McCain. Now I've been reading people's opinions and some people (mostly Americans) have been saying that "how could you believe Putin. He's former KGB" and "he's a communist". But they give no good explanation as to why Putin on this occasion is wrong. Also Putin in a lot more believable than Bush and all the lies Bush has told about the Iraq war, Osama Bin Laden, WMD, Iran and the list goes on. Also remember Putin is an extremely intelligent man and would not make the claim without any basis.




  1. And the basis for your knowledge of Putin?  I don't believe you have any but are being led down the  garden path by socialist communist ideas that have been our enemy and now are us.  Say goodbye to the America your parents grew up in.  A government such as the one Putin tells the truth about, according to you, and is now looming in the future.  Hope your not Christian, if you are watch your back.  I have been to a soviet block country, I think perhaps if you visit one you will change your toon.

  2. Reading opinions from here? Mostly American's opinions on this site are very divided. Try looking at this site:

    It has all the world's news headline stories that relate to the US. It might change your perspective.

  3. Mr Putin is a very astute and able politician amongst other capabilities,and is a very dangerous adversary,not to be taken lightly.Mr Bush is dangerous for totally different reasons.

  4. get a life....geeez Russia wouldnt spit in our direction if we were on fire.

  5. It's not possible for the US administration to be responsible for the conflict between Russia and Georgia. Putin wants Georgia for their oil production ability they are in direct competition with Russia's for oil customers. Russia also threatened Poland. Bush didn't lie he was given the information about the WMDs and there were weapons there because they were used on the people. I agree Putin is very intelligent and he was former KGB. If Putin made this claim that the US administration is responsible for the conflict there then he most certainly has a reason and that would be to get an anti American Europe on his side.

  6. Putin isn't a communist.

    He's FSB, that's what the KGB is called now.

    Putin is overexagerating, but Georgia's current administration did get lots of help from the US. They're a big ally in Iraq. There's also a huge oil pipeline under Georgia.

  7. No matter whether you believe Bush lied or not, which to date has not been proved, the two situations must be examined separately. Now if you were saying that people should not believe Bush if he calls Putin a liar your comparison might be apt. However, most people are not citing Bush as a reason for not believing Putin. What they are saying is that Putin does not have credible verifiable evidence to support his claims, but he does have potential motives for making and having these claims believed. This is an attempt by Putin to not only influence a foreign election result, but also to strengthen his position regarding justifications in the Georgian affair. So whether you choose to believe Bush or not does not really matter, nor does it makes Putin's claims any more trustworthy. I think I have adequately shown why your last statement is completely baseless.


    High Five my good man.

    The only thing I know about Putin is that he's kind of a badass and he looks hot in a swimsuit.

  9. What are you talking about? You are either very young and naive or you have know idea what Putin is about. Peace

  10. All people know about putin is generally propaganda. with bush there pro-bush propoganda somewhere that 30% of the american public are stupid enough to believe.

  11. I think Bush and Putin are both the same. They both like to destroy other countrys

  12. We DON'T!  What are you talking about????  Good Greif!!  Don't believe what politicians say; period..  They're MAIN purpose is to get re-elected.  As far as doing the job's they're elected to do, it's very rare that one ever really does, OR at least try... John F Kennedy was an example of a politician that turned it off after the election so he could be president; although he was basically campaiging the day he was shot in Dallas....

  13. And let's not overlook the fact that Putin is much more easily understood.

  14. On this occasion i would not be surprised if america did edge georgia on in invading south ossetia. I am on russias side in all this.

    Not that this really has anything to do with the west at all!  

  15. Crazy, Crazy conspiracy theorists

    Where do all of you come from?


  16. they all tell comes with the job

  17. Politicians are all liars, no matter where they come from.  They lie to each other, they lie to the people they're supposed to be serving, and they lie to themselves in the mirror every morning.  Just because someone's intelligent doesn't mean they won't still lie--they make some of the best liars, which is probably why George Bush was so easily caught.  Personally, I doubt Putin's claim that the US egged Georgia on in it's attempt to lock down the separatist regions by force-- Georgia's president did what he wanted to do on his own.  Personally, I'd let them rejoin Russia if that's what they wanted--why want them when they don't want you?  In fact, I believe Russia has driven the American voters right into the arms of McCain with their aggression against Georgia, as it stokes many people's memories/fears about a return to the Cold War era, where Russia was an adversary rather than an ally.  It was a really dumb move, as is their continued presence in the contested regions, if they wanted Americans to elect Obama instead of McCain.

  18. instead of asking the people who dont know why dont ya ring up ole vladimir and ask him to show us the proof instead of talking shat.want me to believe me sucker! otherwise im happy thinking of russian leaders as full on military a holes who only care about oppression like the good ole days....lets line up all the people who talk nonsense against the wall and shoot them..seems like a typical russian answer to me.cause lets face it they really dont do very well at politics.

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