While reading forums and y/a and a bunch of other sites and from knowing a couple of my college teachers...I have one question
how do some of these people afford to keep going to college? I mean, some people even afford 3 different degrees from 3 different and very good...expensive colleges...
i know it's not all scholarships or aid because after your first degree it's increasingly hard to get aid. (or so i hear)...are these people paying bills forever or what?
it's like they're addicted to education. I remember for a while i attended CHI institute and I had one teacher who had 3 masters degrees (no, she wasn't pulling chains she really did have it)...the whole time i wasn't impressed because all I could think was she wasted her money...after all she was only a teacher at an accelerated certificate course school.
so if you have many degrees or if you know somebody please explain to me why, how and if you're paying a lot of student loans??