
How do some people sleep in any situation while others just plain cant sleep?

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im the guy that cant sleep at all in a moving car or airplane or just sitting down, how do some people do this? for me sleeping pills dont do d**k they just make me sleepy. if you can fall asleep anywhere let me in on your secret!




  1. I think it depends on the person. For instance some people are light sleepers while others are drowsy. My friends are a good example: One of my friends can sleep anywhere, any time of day on most surfaces while another friend can't sleep without complete darkness, a thick mattress and being late into night.

    I find that travel sickness tables make me drowsy enough to actually fall asleep in vehicles. You could try warm milk.


  2. When you want to go to sleep, wear more clothes, keep you warm. That helps me

  3. I know, that drives me crazy! My husband can literally fall aseep anywhere, but I am more or less an insomniac, and here I am, it's almost 2am here and I'm on yahoo lol.

  4. different strokes for different folks, i guess.

    i can sleep just about anywhere at anytime. in fact i have an extremely difficult time not falling asleep when i meditate. nothing like being amongst buddhist and snoring. lol!

  5. You could be stressed out, learn to relax.  From

  6. lol Im one of those people I slept literally everyday on the bus to school cause it was like an hour away from my house. There are certain tips. The main one is to be comfortable this is the key ingredient in sleeping wherever you can. If your some who pays close attention to everything by a cd player and listen to that either with songs you know at a low volume or with natural sounds such as a waterfall or white noise. Secondly after relaxing close your eyes and do one of two things clear your mind completely while relaxed and dose of or start your dream ahead of time by imaging a goal of yours like hiking mount everest or surfing. You have to get your mind off your surroundings. Constant unchanging noise would be a good place to start though like a peaceful natural cd. The main reason people fall a sleep in cars is because of the cars constant unchanging motion. But anyway for your case stick once again to the basics.

    1. RELAX

    2. Make yourself comforable

    3. Turn on soft unchanging music or use ear plugs

    4.Clear your mind (if possible) If not focus on a dream accoplishment of yours.

    5. Take deep repetive breaths.

    6. Allow yourself to dose off

    7. fall asleep

    alright thats the best I can do

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