
How do speak any language french,German or Italian?

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How do you speak German, French, or Italian - Not English. If you don't now it dont answer.




  1. speak more with those language speaking people, besides that write some short journal in that language.

    you can imporve very quickly by being with those language speaking people because u will speaki more and listen more.

  2. You learn the language.

  3. A good way to begin to make sense of those European langauges is to first study Latin, upon which most all of their nouns and verbs are based.  Then, it would be good to both take the language course that you desire to learn, perhaps at a local community college, and also to immerse yourself in the language as much as possible.  At first, the foreign language, when spoken by native speakers, will seem as if it is being spoken very fast, so start with film or television from the language. That way, you can add the Closed Caption option as you view (to read along as they speak), rewind and fast forward, and get some practice picking up common words.  It isn't easy, especially as an adult, but it is fun to master a new langauge, so good luck!

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