
How do statistical analysis and statistical interpretation differ?

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How do statistical analysis and statistical interpretation differ?




  1. Short answer:

    statistical analysis: keeping your own feelings, personal thoughts, emotional thoughts and bias out of the answer. Going with a purely scientific {proved truths} answer

    statistical interpretation: putting your feelings, personal thoughts, personal interpretation and bias into the answer. {using unproved truths} To come up with the answer you will give.

  2. For analysis there are methods and formulaes where as interpretation depend upon men to men interpretations can never be same whereas analysis are requirfed to be same. There is one answer for every body and other answers will be wrong.

  3. Analysis has to do with breaking things apart.  Interpretation has to do with assigning meaning.

    In statistics, these two terms are closely related, and are often lumped together or used interchangeably, as if they were the same thing.  They do naturally go hand-in-hand.  

    If you need a sensible distinction, you can consider analysis to be the method, and interpretation to be the result.  One does an analysis in order to develop a sound interpretation.

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