
How do stereotypes develop?

by  |  earlier

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for example, why do all Indian characters talk the same accent? They really don't speak that way, at least I don't.

I always experience a stereotype, but never saw one form.




  1. Many theories have been developed to explain why we form stereotypes.  Some of the more widely accepted theories include:

      1)  Social Learning Theory:  we learn stereotypes from our social worlds. (e.g.: parents, peers, the media, etc.)

      2)  Cognitive Psychology and the "categorization process":  our need to categorize our social and physical worlds to function.  According to this theory, categorization satisfies our need to understand and predict the social world.

    It is my belief however, stereotyping groups leads us not to understand, but to misunderstand them.  Stereotypes are (more often than not) inaccurate, overgeneralized, exaggerated, and biased.  We use stereotypes in American culture as a way to assimilate 'out-groups' to become more like the 'in-group'; and by stereotyping individuals as a method of social stratification to classify our expectations of them, we ultimately facilitate more negative perceptions, which can have harmful effect on the individuals belonging to that group and how they see themselves.

  2. wow that's a really interesting question. i've never really though about it. i'll get back to you if i think of something.

  3. seeing/ experiencing something more than 3 times. You start seeing a pattern then poof stereotype.

  4. stereotypes form because that is what the majority of that group do, or are like - there are always exceptions to the rule....but if you had to put money on it........

  5. lots of stereotypes start from movies or they are passed down from generations so if your grandparents believe a certain stereotype you'll most likely hear them say it at least once and you may start to believe it too.

  6. stereotypes develop when somthing usually takes place in a society based on that person's gender, religion, or skin colour whatever.. people will usually spread it within a community and then everyone assumes that race(for example) is like that.

    ex. 9/11... then all middle easterners were viewed as terrorists..

    I know i didn't explain it to well, but honestly it's hard to really find the origin of stereotypes.. i just gave you my theory i guess..

  7. The stereotype is kept going by tv

    It saves time if you can instantly know all lot about the character,

    give them an accent

  8. Stereotypes begin by taking a small, generalized truth about a cultural or social group and exaggerating it.

  9. I agree, its an interesting question.

    Possibly just from things that have happened in the past.

    Thanks for posting :)

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