
How do stereotypes effect senior citizens?

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I have a project i need to do and i was wonderingthis? please help




  1. Age discrimination in the workplace certainly.  It is always assumed because I am a senior that I don't know much, if anything, about computers, for instance; but, I have been using one for at least several hours a day since 1991, before a lot of these kids who people assume are such computer whizs were born.  I teach teenagers computers and I know more than they do.

    It is a pet peeve of mine.  This assumption, I am a senior so computers confuse and confound me.  Not so.

  2. Stereotyping is making assumptions about a group of people that can lead to unfair judgment of them. . . .In the case of seniors you have age discrimination, where we can't get jobs, or some apartments . . .below are 2 web sites that might help . . . also, I will re-post this question, for you. . . .Watch for my avatar and question, and see what answers you get there. . . .hope this helps !

    I have a friend who is incontinent and has to wear diapers.  People are embarassed to be seen with her, or are afraid if she sits in their car, or on a sofa, she will leak!

    Diabetics have often been called drunks.  They may have foot atrophy and walk funny, or may be confused due to medications.

    Depression may cause them to be cranky and mean, and no one will want to be around them.

    Check out previously asked questions in the bar above. you may find more there. . . .

    Today is a holiday and not too many seniors are on . . .you may have to wait till later, or tomorrow to get feedback . . .

  3. First off: stereotypes can AFFECT senior citizens, not EFFECT.

    (This correction has nothing to do with being a SC; I was just as much a nitpicker at 20!  LOL!)

    Unfortunately, we have to deal with the "old dogs, new tricks" issue. We have lived through some of the most incredible and diverse technological changes and most of us have adapted well. However, when job-hunting, we frequently lose out because of the erroneous idea that we can't learn new jobs (or new variations on old jobs).

    These employers don't realize the wealth of experience and strong customer service values that they are losing just to have a cutie-pie at the front desk. It's their loss but mine too!

  4. The only stereotype I can think of that would affect a senior citizen exclusively would be age discrimination in the work force,  but I don't know of anyone personally who has suffered from this.   In fact, where I work, many professional retirees are invited back to the company as contract consultants.   Otherwise, stereotypes affect all people,regardless of age, the same way.

  5. What stereotypes?

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