
How do stop fade in golf?

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How do stop fade in golf?




  1. I love fading the ball, it lands and stops much better than a draw.

    If you want to draw the ball, then you need to swing from inside to out - making sure to roll your hands over (right hand goes from underneath to on top) on the way through. Make sure you dont do this too soon as that would be a very ugly duck-hook ...

    Have fun

  2. A fade is caused by a slight 'out-to-in' downswing of the golf club. At impact your club face is slightly 'open', not squared to actual line of target. It can also be caused by placing the ball more towards your left foot at address. To hit straight your club face has to meet the ball squarely at impact. Of course it is easier said than done.

    To correct it place you ball somewhat in the middle of your stance at address (for a flat lie that is). Take your normal backswing, and on the downswing try to maintain your swing arc plane the same as your original backswing and accelerate as you come down onto the ball at impact and follow through your swing till the end.

  3. There's nothing wrong with a gentle fade, Monty and others have a natural fade.  your stance can be the cause, but you really need a coach to look at your swing.

  4. A fade is actually quite desireable..its the shot Nicklaus and Tiger prefer.

    To rein it in, make sure your stance is square or slightly closed.  Take the club back to the inside of the target line, and fully release it through the ball.  Make sure you are rotating your body thru the ball and not doing a 'reverse pivot', where your body weight shifts back instead of towards the target.

  5. First, check your grip. If it is too week, you'll fade.

    Then check your stance to make sure its square or slightly closed.

    Lastly, check your shaft. if its not the right one for you, you'll fade as well.

    Best advice, have your local pro take a look.

  6. First of all, don't mess with your swing.  

    Strengthen your grip, which means to rotate your top (I presume right) hand CLOCKWISE around the grip.  This will help you to turn over your hands at impact, producing a draw.  

    You might want to play the ball a little more forward in your stance and stand a few more inches away from the ball at address.  

    Another fix might be to pull your right foot back at address, which closes your stance and promotes a "flatter" swing.  But I would only try this if you really want to hook it hard.

  7. Remember to have your Shoulders and hips in a line towards the target, the feet aren't quite as important. Set the tip of your club just inside the ball and set yourself up. Take a deep breath and extend the club to the middle of the ball. Stand tall and swing easy.

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