
How do stop your child from grinding their teeth at night?

by Guest60238  |  earlier

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My daughter grinds her teeth at night!! Why is this and how do you stop it?




  1. Technically known as bruxism.  The new front teeth (bottom and top weren't there a couple of months ago it's all new.... Not to worry it's fairly common and though the sound may grate on you ears (and nerves) and worries of damaged teeth ensue along with the cringes, she'll grow out've it and sadly for parents more... it goes beyond toddler hood My advice if it's a concern just go see her dentist

    my 14 month old just recently stopped his teeth grinding  on his i know your plight

  2. You can't really stop her from grinding her teeth. It is a natural thing. You can prevent her teeth from wearing down by getting her a "splint" (A splint is a plastic covering for the bottom teeth). You have to go to a dentist or orthodontist to get it made. Since they have to make a mold of your child's teeth and get the splint done it might take a week or so to get it, but the wait will be worth it.

  3. you can buy a mouth tray and let her sleep with it at night to prevent her from grinding her teeth. i use to grind my teeth at night also and caused me to have TMJ. does your daughter have a difficult time opening and closing her mouth? does she have a hard time shewing? she might have TMJ also but might not know it yet. here a link you can check out.

  4. oh well i done that a lot when i was little well tell her if she doesnt stop all her teeth will fall out and she cant eat sweeties and if she stops you will get her some

  5. i use to do this at night when i was younger and all of a sudden i started doing this 3 weeks ago waa :' (

    anyways, the thing that has helped me was going to a herbal store and getting some "Seven Natural Herbs Beverage" its for children and adults can drink it too. It helps with the teeth grinding and a lot of other things. This really helps, my mom use to give me this every night after dinner and i stopped grinding my teeth in about 1-2 week(s).

    Also its really cheap and you can order it online if there's no herbal store close to you!

    price: $4.99


  6. Although teeth grinding can be caused by stress and anxiety, for young children it often occurs during sleep and is more likely caused by an abnormal bite or missing or crooked teeth. Things to do:

    1)  See your dentist about a mouth guard for your child

    2)  Avoid caffeine

    3)  Avoid chewing gum

    4)  Avoid chewing on non-food items such as pencils

  7. I have grinded my teeth my whole life and just cant stop, you could try going to the dentist and asking for a thin mouth guard for you daughter when she goes to be ( I am not sure about the risk of choking though)  if she is a toddler dont worry about it untill she gets her permanant teeth and then you could get her a mouth protecctor, I would ring yor dentist, its called bruxism

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