
How do teenagers treat the old people?

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How do teenagers treat the old people?




  1. I totally respect the ones I know.

    But a lot of old people in stores or stuff are crotchety.  I try to set a better example, but they are only going to think of me as a bratty teenager anyways so I don't try very hard.

  2. im nice to most old people.

    alot of the time there cute lol

    and my friends grandparents are like THE coolest people you will ever meet ahah

    but some are really rude and annoying.

    like ive had old people make comments to me and my friends that were not very nice - and we wernt even doing anything!

    when that happens im rude right back.

  3. I treat them the same as I would any other person; with courtesy and respect.


  4. They kick theire old arses

  5. Depends on the teenager but the ones I've seen all treat older people with respect.  

  6. love em, my grandpa is the coolest

  7. I treat them with respect for their extensive experience and if necessary adapt my behavior to any physical or mental difficulties they may have. This is assuming they are polite and decent people. If they are really rude or unpleasant I just try to avoid them. So I would say we treat them as we would anyone else.

  8. WEll i hold doors for the llet them cut in front of me in line

    13 male

  9. ive never seen a teen be rude to one, but i dont really do that much because if i do something wrong they might start yelling at me. it can be cute, but i hear too much of "youngsters these days, they have no respect!!" or something like that. so i just act normal and be polite

  10. What do you mean?  I treat the elderly with respect, just like I would any other adult.

  11. I love elderly people. In my opinion, they've been here longer than me, so they deserve a little respect! :P

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