
How do telemarketers know people's names when they call?

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How do telemarketers know people's names when they call?




  1. Well i'm assuming that they get the names form the phone book but those don't have the first name so they probably have documents of some sort.

  2. you tell them your name when you fill out those "win this car" slip at the mall...

  3. depends for what purpose they call you or other word what project they work on...

    they have a list which is called ( LEAD) and what lead is ..something around 3000 names and numbers along with the address and some times even bank accound number,routing number, the name of the bank OR credit card name ..ok now tech ppl would pull the LEAD into a dialer and telemarketers will receive the numbers through some software it could be f9 or easy dial or any productive dialer...

    where do they get the lead..LEAD would be provided by the owner of the project to the call center (the one that work on the project) and where do the project provider gets the lead...they usually get it from banks, shopping malls( incase if u fell out some registration form), yellow many more resources

  4. like if you enter your name in a contest or on a website the website or company gets money for releaing your name to a company that tries to sell you products

  5. Ditto to the 1st poster...

    and you can legally call a number to request that your name be taken off the calling list

  6. when ever you apply for something, whenever you have to give your name and number to someone, they sell that information to companies who then call u

  7. phone book

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  8. That's not the best question I've seen in a while.

    The aliens tap into the governments data files and steal information about you. And for that matter how do they get your number?

    You have to think about these things...

  9. They get ur name from pre-made lists. Either you signed up for something and they shared your info or they can get it from public records. If your name is in the phonebook you will get called from telemarketers. You can remove your name from the list. At the front of yor phone book should be a toll free number. I think it is called opt-out.

  10. Often they get your name and other personal information when you fill out surveys or forms.

    The most common way they get your info is when you fill out information for a prize draw.

  11. phone book

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