
How do tell him i want to keep the baby?

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i'm 30yrs old and have a 10 yr old girl due to an accident i was told i couldn't concive, a month ago i found out that i'm pregnant and my boyfriend of 1yr does not want the baby he has told me to get rid of it.

what if this is my only chance that i have prayed and i never get pregnant again, but at the same time i don't want to be a single mother with two kids, i'm strugling with the one already what do i do?




  1. If what the first answer said is true then you are really sick to be on here and posting this

  2. Honestly if you want this baby keep it. This is your body and your choice. You can raise this baby with or without him. This is your little miracle baby and I mean you can always find someone else. I know that is easier said than done, but what if you're right and this is your last chance of having another baby? I'm sure there are places that could help you. It may be hard, but I know it would be worth it.

  3. I know it's a difficult decision, most likely one of THEE most difficult you'll ever have to make in your life.. but you really have to think about what it is you want in life, prioritize and think long & hard because this is CERTAINLY not a time to take this decision making lightly. I have heard countless stories of how abortions alter a woman's future fertility, and like you say, this might be your one and only chance to have another baby. Please, for the love of God, do NOT get an abortion. You've posted this question in "Trying To Conceive" where there are women on here that have been trying for years and years with no luck, and a woman who has an abortion performed is just a needle through our hearts because to be blessed with the gift of pregnancy is one of our main goals in life at the moment. This is YOUR child, and regardless of what your boyfriend wants, he will have to accept the consequences as he made the decision to have s*x. This is already your baby, it is already a part of you, please don't have an abortion.

    Good luck, hun. I hope whatever happens you end up happy.

  4. You said you are dating someone for a year but a month ago you posted a question asking how to get a guy to like you.  Don't post a question like this, try to have a little respect for other people.

  5. Do whatever is best for your situation.  Don't think that having a child will solve your problems, it won't.  It will magnify them, especially if he doesn't want a child.

    Weigh your options, and make a decision you can live with.  Only you can decide, and once you do, you're stuck with it.  Be careful, and best of luck.

  6. Be totally honest with him and tell him everything you said in your question.  He may surprise you.

  7. If God thinks that you are ready for a baby then obviously you are.  Once your boyfriend sees the baby he will fall in love with it knowing that it's a life that you two created together ... there is nothing more special than that.  If you don't want to keep it, have it then put it up for adoption.   MILLIONS of people wait to adopt EVERY SINGLE DAY!!

  8. This sounds like a very difficult situation.  I hope you guys can think of a good solution.

    If you absolutely decide to "get rid of it," please, don't do an abortion.  Go the full term, and give it up for adoption.  Abortion will bring you emotional pain for the rest of your life.

    If you really do want this baby, and it may be your last chance, maybe this guy isn't right for you.  What does he want with you?  Has he committed to anything beyond a girlfriend-boyfriend relationship?  Having children is a very healthy and important part of a relationship; if he doesn't want to, maybe he's not right for you.

    Good luck.

  9. Your stuck between a rock and a hard place and I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. But I am a BIG believer in everything happens for a reason. If God did not want you to have this baby, would he have given him/her to you? HE will not put you through anything you cannot handle. Not to mention you can get his *** for child support!!! Plus, there's government aid. If you really need help, don't be afraid to ask for it. This child was not a was an opportunity. Don't take it for granted and listen to your jack *** of a boyfriend. If he truly loved you, he'd be there for you. Instead he's giving you ultimatums. Let'em leave. You don't need him anyways. Don't let him take away what you've been asking God for when he's finally given it to you.

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