
How do the British people feel about their Royals?

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I keep seeing nasty comments about different royals, especially Phillip. What do you think of them?




  1. Queen Elizabeth I was so cool she never married and she led England to defeat the Spainish Armada

  2. They are all a bunch of tea sipping scone eating tossers!

  3. Honestly I really respect the idea.

    It's like a nationalism practically. But i wish they would stop

    have s****. sons that run around wild.

    I'm terrified of the next queen/king. ALl that is left are youngins that are not ready to settle down yet.

  4. I'd give Zara one.

  5. I breathe a sigh of relief each day that we have a traditional and extremely caring Queen as head of state rather than some corrupt president, All leading members of the Royal Family work extremely hard on behalf of Britain - the Queen in her 80s still visits many countries promoting Britain as a tourist destination and British exports. Prince Andrew works full time promting British business and trade all over the world.

    Princess Anne has raised hundreds of millions for charities such as 'Save the Children' and Prince Charles as well as  being one of our most profound thinkers on environmental matters, has helped hundreds of thousands of young people

    through his 'Princes Fund', to start their own business and or be educated or trained for a proper career.

      Yes sadly it is fashionable for a large section of the British media (owned by the strongly republican Rupert Murdoch) to denigrate and mock our Royal Family and this is transferred

    into a lot of the nasty comments from individuals you see on this site and elsewhere.

  6. I still believe the majority see the present queen Elizabeth as the heart of Britain.. and the Prime Minister as the head of state.. but they need Royalty.. it attackts tourism and Queen Elizabeth has been a dedicated Queen.and it is hard work, not just tea drinking, she has her days full of schedules she has to meet so do most Royals. nobody knows what will happen in the future.. as long as Queen Elizabeth is the ruling Monarch most Britons will be proud to have her as a representator of Britain...she is in the lime light but no decisions are made without the ruling Prime Minister, what they think of Prince Philip doesn't matter she is the Queen and a good one ...nobody cares about Prince Philip apart from the Queen of course...

    Being a Royal I think is no fun work.. especially Letizia of Spain she is showing a lot signs of strain.. because her in-laws. King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia expect perfection from her.. xx


  7. dont really think about them, how do you feel about bush?

  8. i like the royals have met the queen and prince Phillip i also think what prince harry did in Afghan was great

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