
How do the Cats get from Geelong to play in Melbourne games. Do <span title="they.....................?">they........................</span>

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike; travel by team bus; individual cars; does anyone know?




  1. Most of the Geelong players live in Geelong, they get to the ground by there cars

  2. they have train pass, nah they all have a helicopter.

  3. They go to Skills stadium on game days and stand out the front witheir gladstone bags with their gear in.  Supporters who may be going up to the game let them cadge a ride with them. Could be as a pillion rider on a bike; in the back of a trayback ute.....or whatever.

  4. Geelong&#039;s not that far.  Players would travel by bus, that would be the best way.

    Some players may even still live in Melbourne and commute for training

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