
How do the Irish raise their children? What are some customs....?

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am doing a project for my Child Development class, and we are researching the ways people from different countries raise their kids. What is different from the way we do it here in the U.S.? Do you have beliefs or customs we don't have here?





  1. i knew a lady teacher who was from Ireland. she believed in letting kids settle their own disagreements... only interfered if it became violent. she said that's the way it was in Ireland.  this was about 20 years ago, though. they maybe have become more Americanized since then.

  2. No, Its basically the same.

    Ireland's a pretty normal country!

  3. I dont think so. I raise my daughter the way i was raised and i was raised the way my mother was raised etc....

    My granny was brought up in Ireland but raised her children in england and i was raised in ireland and am raising my daughter here.

    Most Americans are Irish anyway so we are probably raised the same.

    Every country has their own customs though. Like we dont celebrate thanks giving. St Stephens day (day after xmas) is quite a big day here too whereas in other countries its just another day.

    I hope this helps.

  4. Each family is different. Most kids are brought up to be respectful of their elders. Punishment is usually being sent to your room or the threat of the wooden spoon! I was threatened with it as was my parents and my grandparents! Kids usually stay in their parents beds until they are about 3 months. Then they move to a cot either in their parents room or a room of their own. If they stay in their parents room they move to a bed in their own room aged 2.

    What else would you like to know? Christmas etc?

  5. no i cannot imagine there are any real differences between how children in the usa and ireland are brought up.  the children here in ireland from a very young age are given toys, feed junk-food, allowed watch tv (mostly american tv programs) and grow up spoiled

  6. Am to thick to answer a big question like that.. You need to quit all that hard work an come on we'll head out for a few pints.. Its Thursday like its the start off the weekend an we're losing valueable drinking time..

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