
How do the Irish view African-Americans?

by Guest62588  |  earlier

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I would love to visit Ireland, Scotland, and England (not necessarily in that order), but I am concerned as to how I would be greeted.




  1. they'd have no problem with you, in the main places like Dublin or London, you would be just another American!

  2. I'm sure you would be treated the same as in any other country. Ireland is used to getting tourists of all nationaltities and you would be welcomed with open arms! Drop into a pub, have a few pints of guinness and you're practically one of us!!!

  3. never been there, but my gut feeling is you'll be treated like any other tourist.  i'm sure they'll be as nice to you as a tourist of any other ethnicity, maybe nicer.  it's not like you're french, y'know.  i'm sure there are guide books designed for African-Americans.  follow in the footsteps of others when you're not sure.  Cheers!

  4. White countries in general and the United Kingdom in particular have racial prejudices and problems, including societal segregation. The british established a commission on this in the 70s more facts can be found here:

  5. Well Im Irish and I dont see why you should have any worries about coming here.  There are so many different cultures from all over the world living in Ireland now, so you would have no problems. Just come over and enjoy yourself.

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