
How do the Long Term goals and short term strategies of Al-Qaeda effect your political beliefs?

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Do you know what those goals and strategies are?

Zawahari (Al-Qaeda #2) released a video on the 4th of July 2007 which in part stated their goals. He also made statements concerning Iraq.

In my article entitled "Know Your Enemy-101" I highlighted those goals and strategies.

Can you tell me what they are?

If you are unwilling to research what the enemy wants, can you say that they don't effect you?




  1. Their presence doesn't affect my political beliefs. I kow they are attempting to achieve Dar Al-Islam (world under Islam) by establishing a Caliphate stretching from the Iberian Peninsula to Indonesia and Malaysia. I know they consider all modern societies to be Jihali societies filled with corruption and false beliefs. I also know they adhere to the heresy of Takfir and think it is permissible in the carrying out of Jihad for Muslim to kill Muslim. I know that many have performed hijra (voluntary expatriation for the purpose of conducting Jihad) and that they consider this time to be Dar Al-Harb (a world at war).

    So, beyond posting some link, how much do you know about the enemy?

  2. Long term: I've learned that over the past 20 years we cannot trust the presidency to a democrat; then we're screwed.

    Short term: We CAN be united as a country, but as of now I unfortunately think we need another swift kick in the ***.

    Americans need to know more than whatever mike moore tells them and learn that we need to fight for our freedoms we take for granted.

  3. Knowing Al-Qaeda is on the move again, with the strength to start making valid plans again, lets me know I don't want a Democrat in office. They wouldn't know even the first thing about going to war, they have been protesting wars for nearly 50 years now. However, I don't want another War Monger Bush in office either.

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