
How do the UK Muslims feel that they're brothers are supporting the Taliban against the British Troops

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  1. I do hope that most Muslims will be horrified by this report and inform on anyone they know who might be doing this.

    The thing that has been suggested is the internment of radicals whether they have done anything or not, for the duration of the war.

  2. If i may speak Mr Chairman...... this comes as no surprise to me, the geographical location of where these fanatics choose to live is irrelevant, and loyalty to the country which houses them has no meaning I'm afraid.

    It's all down to this strange religion they follow where every word of it is twisted to suit their cause.

    When you put all of this together it spells one thing "TROUBLE " !!

  3. this is like asking christains how they felt about hitler. You cant paint all muslims with the same brush. Terrorists are terrorists...they always give themselves a cause, no matter how twisted...these ones chose to twist the muslim faith to their advantage. If you read the Quran, im sure you wont find sections that say its ok to kill others.

  4. What happened to shooting them at dawn for treason! Scum

  5. Nowadays half of them are their sisters rather than brothers.

  6. Any British passport holder whether Muslim or otherwise should have his passport taken from him once he boarded the plane. The ordinary British public and here I include Muslims again need these traitors like a hole in the head.

  7. A Muslim is a Muslim they all live their lives by the Quran.UK Muslims are no different than the Muslims that support the the Taliban.

  8. Probably the same as Christians when their Christian brothers in the IRA were setting off car bombs and slaughtering and maiming 100's of innocent people throughout  the UK.

  9. Their loyalty is to a very strange religion that says it OK to kill innocent people, including women and children.  Religion and their fanatics have a lot to answer for.

  10. Iam Muslim (IRAQI), I never supported any terrorists here in UK or any other land !

    they are sick loyalty to the people who help me in every aspect of like.. UK Only.

  11. Pretty much as has been expressed here, some appalled some not.

    However what happens to the Muslim brothers and sisters polled in many of our top Universities, who a large proportion said it was ok to kill in the name of your religion. Now that must worry people, i know it does me very much.  

  12. Some will feel ecstatic some will feel ashamed

  13. I guess they will say what the h**l are British doing in Afghanistan?  Colonialism was over years ago and it is time WE the British should mind our own business in our own country where crime is rife among the teens.

  14. As Filya put's it, some ecstatic some appalled, rather like it was in NI during the troubles. I know of one UK Muslim website where you'll find most Muslims using the forum would definitely be appalled, I'm sure there are groups elsewhere with a more aggressive view.

  15. Muslims do not have loyalty to the UK or US. Their loyalty is to their sick religion.

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