
How do the big mosquitoes that supposedly don't bite get their nutrirtion to live?

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Which s*x of mosquitoes is the big one? Is it true that they don't bite? Then what do they eat?




  1. they might eat dead stuff.with there mouth.

  2. The  male  s*x  is the  big one. The female  mosquitoes  only bite.The male mosquitoes don't  bite. They  feed  only  on  plantjuices.

  3. all mosquitoes that bite are female . i think . haha .

    i have no idea about the rest .

  4. Mosquitoes don't bite for nutrition - only the females bite because they need a blood meal to produce eggs.   Both male & female mosquitoes feed on nectar.

  5. Tiere13 has a very good point there. However, I would like to elaborate on what I learnt in school...

    Male mosquitoes are slightly bigger than female mosquitoes. They feed only on nectar/pollen (got confused). Female mosquitoes have almost the same diet as the males, however they suck blood.

    Now, female mosquitoes are not delibrately trying to kill people. They need protein, which is present in blood, to lay eggs.

    I was happy to help. If you need anymore help, I'd be glad to!

  6. Male mosquitos eat nectar, only the females bite and only to aid reproduction.

    However, those really big "mosquitos" that everyone seems to think are the males are not actually mosquitos at all. They're called crane flies and they don't eat at all when they're adults. They eat as larvae but when they emerge as adult flies they only live long enough to mate and die, as is the case with many species of moth and various other insects. They don't even have working mouthparts.

    just to clarify is this what you mean:

  7. There are different species (and genera) of mosquitoes.  In the species that bite (most species), only the females bite (and they use the blood for their eggs.)  Otherwise, they feed on plants.  There are predatory species of mosquitoes that do not bite.

    The "big" mosquito that you are referring might be a predatory Toxorhynchites mosquito (also called a mosquito hawk - Toxorhynchites is the genus).  They are some of the few mosquitoes that do not bite at all (the larvae feed on the larvae of smaller species of mosquitoes) You might also be referring to a crane fly, which looks like a giant mosquito, but is not one.  Some larval crane flies will feed on the larvae of mosquitoes (they have also been called mosquito hawks as have dragonflies).  They also do not bite.

    Pictures of a Toxorhynchites mosquito:

    Pictures of a crane fly:

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