
How do the courts make laws?

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How do the courts make laws?




  1. go to youtube and type in "I'm Just A Bill"

  2. By violating the Constitution.  Just as Executive Orders have no authority over anyone not employed by the Executive Branch, when courts legislate, they violate the Constitution, which states that "all legislative power is in the hands of a Congress".

    This is to prevent a dictatorship.  When you look at what recent presidents, as well as the Congress has done, they are setting us up for just that.  Between "Presidential Directives, "Executive Orders", the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, the National ID Card, the Protect America Act, the Department of Homeland Terrorism, the legalzation of torture, and all this talk about "MARTIAL LAW", we are being prepaired for a coup against Constitutional government, by criminals in positions of power.

    These criminals have defeated as many of the Checks and Balances the Founders put in the Constitution.  They have shown us what they have in store for us.

    The vast majority of people in law enforcement, as well as the military will not move against the American people, other than by deception.  When criminal politicians spread rumors against politically incorrect individuals or groups, we can expect the worst.

    Getting back to your question, it is up to the Legislative Branch to check the courts.  Contrary to popular belief, Supreme Court Justices do not serve life-time appointments.  They serve for terms of "good behaviour".  What this means is that even Supreme Court Justices can be impeached, in fact, there was an effort to impeach former Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren over forty years ago.  Warren eventually resigned.

    We have the power to change the Congress every two years.  We need to ride our politicians hard, and to watch them carefully.  After all, they work for us.  Let's stop playing the Democrat/Republican game.  There are other parties out there, a couple I can thing of that have more respect for the Constitution are the Constitution Party, and the Libertarian Party.

  3. they are not supposed to.  that is supposed to be done by congress only.  

  4. the courts don't make the laws, they make sure people follow the laws!

  5. They shouldn't, that is the job of the legislative branch. However, lately, some of the so called "progressive liberal" judges have been legislating from the bench. This was the recent case re g*y marriage in Mas. and Cal. Now the voters have had to get a solution on the Nov. ballot to attempt to counter-act their actions.

  6. Most laws in Canada and quite a few in the US stem from the English Common or Civil Law, that being from the courts of England.  There are still cases today that are decided on laws that King Henry VIII made in the 1500s.

  7. Legislative comes up with the law and sends it to the Senate,

    they go over the law and argue wheather it should be passed or not.

    they vote and if the majority says pass it goes to the House of Representitives.

    They basically do the same thing and send the law to the President.

    He can either pass it or veto it (decline it).

    if he doesn't do either within 10 days of getting it it automatically becomes law.

    if he veto's it, it goes back to the Senate and House - they vote again,

    if 2/3 of the majority say pass it it becomes law.

  8. The courts don't make laws, they interpret them. Congress passes the laws. The court system is supposed to make decisions on what the law was meant to reflect. I'm not a lawyer, but i think that's close.

  9. cout cannot make laws

    they may explain

  10. They don't.  Legislators make laws.  The courts determine whether laws are just or faulty.

  11. The courts do not make laws.  Laws are created in the Legislator and then are signed by a governing official (e.g. Governor of a state , President of US).  The courts apply the law to particular cases.

  12. you can send a letter to washigton dc

  13. they do do not make laws, they just judge legal cases, that come from these laws

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