
How do the japanese trains work?

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My chemistry teachers told me about something about Japanese trains and magnets. He said that they can reach speeds of like 300mph. Is this true and if so, how is this possible?




  1. magnets plus the help of  rice and the blood,sweat and tears of 12 year old enslaved prostitues .

  2. ask a japenese guy

    sry tht was no help

  3. Mag lev trains work with magnets, they are embedded in the rail (single or monorail). the car aslo has magnets, and they repel each other, just as holding toy magnets in your hand. The magnets are energized in sequence so as to push the train forward.

    But there are really no large scale railroads using this technology, it is still developing and very very expensive, there is one or two in Europe, Germany i believe.

    The Japanese "bullet" trains are standard rail technology and yes they are very very fast, trains in Europe are just as fast, the records change back and forth every few years. Currently the record is held by the French in their TGV service.

    They trains and track are built to very high standards and on the fastest routes freight trains do not run, high speed passenger traffic only.

  4. The 300 MPH ones are still experimental maglive style, Normal Shinconsin go around 140 MPH and limited access Nozomi run around 180 MPH.

    Europe is farther along on the maglive technology. Basically the train is supported via magnetic repulsion and then the magnets in the ground pulse the magnetic field in a straight line, similar to the pulsing in an Induction motor. No friction.

    Have fun and watch out for the "Fresh Sashimi"....Alive!

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