
How do the members of a royal family address each other?

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How do the members of a royal family address each other?




  1. I would imagine they would address each other much the same as we address each other in a regular family (at least in private).

    I don't know...but, that is how I imagine it. And we really won't know unless you can get one of them to come on YA! and tell us.

  2. I no not this but I no man werk in Buckinghams house Kitchen and they al call Prins Philip "Zorba" and Prins Charles "Big Ears" or "Tellygoon".

  3. The Queen is "Lilibet" to the closest relatives,a nickname she received because her sister, Margaret, couldn't pronounce "Elizabeth."

    She is "Granny" to her grandchildren,and "Mummy" to her children...but in private:I've read that The Queen is always aware of her bearing;she is aware that she must be correct and regal and in control.So she insists on a degree of formality.Members of the immediate family are required to bow or curtsy to her upon arising and before retiring.

    Younger members are a little less formal with each other.

  4. Betty Phil Charlie Annie Andy Eddy

  5. I have heard that HRH Elizabeth II is referred to by her Grandchildren as "Granny". But don't take that as GOSPEL.

  6. they secretly use inner city urban slang.  

    sup queeny, yo.

    big ear charlie inna house.

  7. By saying the Royal WE....

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