
How do the options ive provided help protect Rainforests from deforestation ?

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How do these suggestions help protect Rainforests from destruction / deforestation????????????

1. Stop selling specialty hardwoods

2. Help countries with poverty & greed

3. Get involved in the organizations that protect Rainforests

4. Make restrictions as to how much of the forests people can cut down each hour / day / week, etc.




  1. 1. Yes, that is a good idea. Selling specialty hardwoods are rare, so the more you sell, the less hardwoods there will be.

    2. I don't know how that could possibly help, because the rich obviously deforest more to get richer.

    3. Good idea. The groups for deforestation issues are a good idea, and joining a group with your same idea on things will help motivate you.

    4. That will also help; if there are no restrictions, more of the forests will be protected that way.

    I have the same idea as you, and I hope we can save the rainforests!

  2. They dont. THe only way to stop deforestation is to burn it all down. That way, there will be no rainforests to deforest

  3. Are you serious?  

    If you are a kid...please disregard.  Only a 16 year old would say such a thing.

    My response:

    Better yet.  Why don't you go down to Brazil and the rain forest and strap yourself to a tree.  That would save one tree.  Assuming they didn't run you over while strapped to it!

  4. 1. If a lot of people stop buying products that use wood, the company will loose money and go bankrupt, so they will not cut down any more trees.

    2. A lot of people in poor countries cut down trees and make money off of it. If you helped these people by giving them money, then there wouldn't be a need to.

    3. Organizations that protect Rainforests not only try to stop the cut down of trees, they also plant new ones so they can be replaced, and of course, they need money to do this. By getting involved, you can either donate your time or money to help out.

    4. Again, if there were restrictions, people would not cut down as many trees, and overall it would help.

    I hope you and others will do a few of these things mentioned, they really help.

    And to those of you who believe that the trees always get replaced and its not such a big deal, consider this: trees give us oxygen, rainforests contain more than half of ALL the world's plant and animal species, and it takes many years for the trees to grow to the height the ones before them once were.

  5. They're a good multilateral mix. But an important one is poverty. It's a surprising issue, but most forests are being taken down by poor people living in or near them who have no income but to sell them or use them to make coal to sell.

    Check out these articles.

  6. I'm a lumberjack and I don't care. I wish I could cut down all trees! In every tree I see a potential piece of paper, furniture, or something to wipe after #2! Cut em all down!

  7. Why do greenies spend so much time trying to ban activities that are legal, and have always been legal?  Where do they get the right to declare that just because THEY don't like something that other people have always have had the right to do, such as "selling (and of course buying) specialty hardwoods", that it should be banned???   Ban, ban, ban, ban.   Thats all they know how to do.

  8. i havent the foggiest

  9. I don't think any make much of an impact. I work in the printing industry and see tons upon tons of paper used up every single day. I work for just one medium sized company. There are a great deal of printing companies out there and many much larger than mine that use up much much more than we do. Not to mention the housing and furniture industries to name a couple others. Deforestation is always going to happen, you just have to face the facts. Trees that are cut down are replaced though and it isn't as big a deal as you may think. If we didn't there would no trees left at all in the very near future. So don't worry so much about it. Its a natural resourse that is replacable.

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