
How do the parents of multiple children at close ages do it?!?

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my son is 11 months old and i'm watching a friend's daughter who's 9 months old. my son is big for his age (he fits into some 2ts), a rough player, and heavy handed and the 9 month old is an average sized baby for her age. i'm letting them crawl around now and i'm nearly pulling my hair out. i'm afraid my son is going to land on top of the little girl and hurt her while he's walking and she's crawling. i had them in the play pen at the same time, but once again i didn't want him to accidentally harm her so i took them both out. she isn't hungry, but i gave him a bottle and she took it from him. thank god this is only today and tomorrow. how on earth do the parents of children that are close in age do this on a daily basis?




  1. Beats the holy h**l out of me. I can barely handle 1 sometimes! I give it up to those moms who have 2 or more close in age - you are AMAZING!!!!

  2. I have a 2 year old & a 6 month old baby. I was worried about her walking over him & being too rough with him as well.  Fortunately she's really good with him and loves being the big sister.  I think you just have to be patient and teach them whats okay & what's not.  If the older one gets too rough you have to let her know that, but without scolding her & punishing her for it.  She doesn't do it on purpose of course.  Having 2 is definitely a lot harder than just the 1, but I think once they're both a little older they'll be GREAT playmates!!

  3. It's not easy to do. I have five kids that are 6 months old. Plus I have a four year old. Most of the times I am pulling my hair out because they are hard to keep track of. Especially the 6 month olds. They are all crawling and some of them are almost walking. As for your situation if you see rough housing try to stop it and explain it you your boy as best as you can that boys need to be nice to girls. He may not understand fully but you can try to show him as well. I do that with my kids and it helps some times. For handling multiples everyday you just have to try and discipline them as best as you can. You also need to be as calm as possible around them and not yell. Yelling makes it worse. If they sense you stressing or something (which they can) it will just make the situation tense! Good luck with your son and the little girl you are watching!

  4. I ask the same question to myself. everytime I watch Jon and Kate plus 8 my 15 month old son's tantrum aren't that bad after all. God bless all the mothers out there, they're truelly slodiers

  5. I have a 5 year old, a 3 year old and TWINS 6 month old... all girls.  You have NO idea the things these kids do sometimes.  I tell my husband I deserve a freaking medal just for surviving bath time!!

  6. My youngest sons are 22 months apart.  I was afraid that my 2 year old would clobber his younger brother because he never understood the word gentle.  It is amazing how resilient the younger one actually is.  I only intervene if there is crying.  Other than that he has learned how to fend for himself if things start to get ugly.  

  7. lots of prayer and patience.  I have a 7 yr old, 4 yr old and 2 yr old.  It is very nerve racking!!!  No more kids for me!  Some days my husband has to just let me go out somewhere by myself so I can think straight.

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