
How do the promoters of the Welfare State explain?

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the over 70% out-of-wedlock birthrate of blacks in a good light?..or do they even try?...I dont see how this can be considered acceptable anywhere or by anyone,can you?




  1. Because the Oil Companies are makeing all the money. There's not enough to go around.

  2. the same way they explain their support of abortion,or Obama,or Hillary....they just say"its the right thing"...and continue to ignore reality

  3. be careful of pointing out mistakes in liberal programs...they have hit teams that report you and then come eat your first born as a sacrifice or know they don't have to explain anything they do...they just do it and to he*l with everybody and everything....

  4. they don't even try to explain that or anything else...they have never had an explanation for any of their screwed up schemes...or programs like Midnight Basketball....or(good grief) Baby Bonds

  5. are you talking about corporate welfare state because thats the biggest drain on taxpayers we have? and no, it is unacceptable

  6. they have never bothered to explain or show evidence of any of their stupid schemes or programs...they just s***w through enough votes to get it passed and funded on the backs of taxpayers and let it matter what the consequences.....its sad but the liberal politicians have dummed themselves down to nothing but vote buyers

  7. they ould be born out of wedlock regardless.  Its not only blacks that are having illegitimate children, its all races.  

  8. It's not acceptable.  Black men need to be more supportive of the women they get pregnant.  I'm not even sure how this is can be put in a good light, except that at least they aren't getting abortions.

  9. they cant so they just skip over it.....much like Fat Teddy skips over Mary Jo

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