
How do the reporter trolls decide who to target on here?

by  |  earlier

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Do they leave you alone for a few weeks thinking they will lull you into a false sense of security and then pounce or what?

Why do my chat questions stay up, but my poor innocent answerers get TDs and reported? Is this an attempt at reverse psychology? Trying to make out to the regs its me thats reporting?

Am I reading too much into this? why do I even care? PMSL




  1. I usually just answer first but just now I was scrolling down the others answers and errgh! Dollybird! lol

    eh? look what I just read. how long's that been there?

    Tip: Be as specific and detailed as you can. Use any personal experience or knowledge you might have.

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  2. Well I just signed in this morning and got violations for old questions, is yahoo fixed???  lol

  3. according to the suggs board it is cause you always got picked last in PE and you are a nasty cowbag, personally i think they are just jealous xx

  4. i don't even bother to understand. i got a violation notice for a Q i put about that poor Priest who went up in a balloon & who body was recovered recently...Doesn't YA check the reason for the violation??  

  5. random

  6. Ssh! they're all over on Suggestions !  your right why care lol

  7. I don't think anyone is going to accuse you of reporting them..well anyone other than me !! LOL

    It's long gone :)

    what do you mean peace is over??

  8. Personal opinion? They realise that the most recently posted Q&As are perfectly valid, or (more amusingly) all their reports have been overturned so it aint workin no more...PMSL.

  9. No idea they seem to have forgotten me for a few days, I feel so unwanted really  

  10. i wouldnt worry. i see your questions, and you are obviously popular on here, and i think this is what annoys individuals who dont have the same type of character. to be honest, id bet its just one sad little person who does this to you, cos you said something to hurt his/her poor little ego. carry on regardless. some of ur answers have me laughing off me chair. xx

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