
How do the rich differ from the poor (other than the obvious)?

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I mean, are there character traits associated with rich people?




  1. rich ppl can be b*****s

    LIKE GODSH havent u watched all the princess movies!!

  2. They have less stress than poor people.  They aren't constantly worrying how they will pay the next electric bill or if they can buy food next week.

    They can afford to eat healthier always.  Both of these points make for a healthier and happy person. (On the rich side of course).

    A poor person is stressed involuntarily.

    A rich person can choose to be stressed or not.

  3. I've been both. Money really does make you happier.

  4. All the difference stem from the very different, unique perspectivies that come from the two very different situations.  When one is rich, their perspective on situations, objects, and people are different. The same can be said for those who are poor.  Generally it is thought that rich people have worse traits than poor people because they tend to be spoiled, things for granted, and forcus on themselves, this all stems from the perspective that they grew up with.

  5. What they do with their money...


    Intent of the heart..

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