
How do the smell of farts stay in your car for so long?

by  |  earlier

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i'll rip a fat one, get out of the car, and 8 hours later the car still smells like it. same with the smell of taco bell food sometimes




  1. If your car is closed and fan isn't running there is hardly any air circulation. Odours also get absorbed into lining materials and the filters in the ventilation system.

    By a pine tree to hang off your mirror or reduce your intake of tex mex.

  2. gross

  3. If you leave the windows up the methane from the f**t will remain in the car ready to give you that warm fuzzy feeling all over again.  

    As for the food it is the same principle.

  4. because the lining in ur car cloth or leather breaths and will breath in the smell  of said f**t and release it in to the air every time some thing presses against it

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