
How do theists get away with making god exist....?

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when science has to work so hard to find evidence for things that really do exist?




  1. the opposite is true as well...

    Dying for what you believe in testifies to strength of character and conviction. If someone held a gun to your head and said that you had no choice but to believe in a god, what would you do?

    If you say "ok, i'll believe", then that is a betrayal of what you believe.

    Oh, and how does science deal only with the here and now. If that were the case, scientists wouldn't be trying to project timelines of the earth's history through physics and fossils etc. LOL at science not trying to brainwash anyone

  2. You're pretty ignorant, not knowing what kind of religions exist yet bashing them.

  3. I's sad we are so superstitious still.  Superstition was really big in the dark ages because they lacked real knowledge as to how and why some things happened.  But, I guess people nowadays still need to blame their misdeeds and bad luck on the devil.  Whatever makes them feel better.

  4. Alot of people have stood up died for their beliefs....

    How many scientists died to try and disprove God's existance?

  5. Well, that just means the joke's on science, doesn't it?


    Yeah, but it has to work so hard, like everybody's slave, and people are still laughing at it. Poor nerds.

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