
How do these principles of training apply to swimming?

by Guest21575  |  earlier

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i need to know how they apply to swimming to improve my performance i am at lowerlevel but i want to be able to reach middle

i will say thanks in advance to all usefull answers =)




  1. specificity to me is when you get good enough that you decide what you will work the most on.  For example my specialty is breaststroke and I would never think of really training backstroke  near as much.

    progression is how much you improve over time.  how much progress you make.

    overload is when you train too much.  it can really hurt you, you can get burned out and never want to swim again.  its basically taking on more than you can handle.  its also important to remember what might be over load to you now might not be too much as you get better.

    reversibility i think is important because the best swimmers are all around athletic and can do many things.

    tedium is basically how you get better.  that is the hard part about swimming to get better is tedious and makes you really tired.

    good luck :)

  2. Specificity is where you learn the techniques for the strokes, so you can do them at practice.

    Progression is when you train to go to higher levels.

    Overload is when you do too many yards/meters and your body breaks down.

    Reversibility is where you rest for a big meet. You are kind of reversing the break down from the overload.

    I think tedium is long sets that build a base in training.

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