
How do they calculate global temperature?

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obviously the temperature around the world isn't the same in all places, so how do they get one temperature and call it the global temperature? and in global warming, how can they say that the temperature has been rising when it's had many ups and downs temperature wise - trends that look like the one we're in. So how can they actually say the world is heating up?




  1. Hey,

    that's a great question!

    So to calculate the global temperature each year they average the temperature from each country or place. The average yearly temperature has gone way hotter. Summers are sooner and longer and hotter!

    so no denying it global warming is here! when in doubt watch an inconveinent truth! incredible movie, gives you a lot of info, but not boring in the slightest!

  2. Hey man,

    I have been searching for the same thing!

    I have read there are urban and rural "temperature stations" located throughout the US that take surface level temperature measurements of the atmosphere.  There are also oceanic ones.  I've also read there are four major organizations doing these temperature reports, and all are reporting different trends.  

    You can find all the data you could ever want but nothing on HOW it is used.  This is critical because the heat necessary to change a given amount of atmosphere a given temperature is dependent on LOTS of things  (temperature, pressure, composition, etc.).  Also, it is important to know how the data collection/interpretation accounts for wind factors, and interference from various things in the urban areas.  For oceanic measurements, how is heat from the Earth's crust accounted for?  In the midst of everything, do we assume the heat omitted from the sun is consistent? LOL?????  The concept of a global average seems impossible.  

    Some people say "..well that only makes a small change."  Well, any reported warming is very small!!!  It amazes me how something so sensitive to so many factors can provoke any scientist to make a definitive statement.  It is simply irrational to make so many of the assumptions we hear of.  There may or may not be a warming, but I would certainly like to know how the conclusion was drawn.  EVEN IF there was a specifically known warming amount, we STILL wouldn't know how much of the warming is man made.  Period.  End of story.

    Until then, we should be caring for our environment for the sake of our environment, not because some ***hole on television tells us to feel guilty and be worried.    


    In response the the dill hole above:

    WRONG.  Not even close.  Temperature is obviously an intensive property.  This means you can't simply add two temperatures together; it is dependent on the type and amount of material in the system.  Therefore the phrase "average global temperature" seems like an oxy moron.  What does it actually mean?!?!

    Do not talk when you are way the **** out of your element! It always pisses me off when you hippies go on and on about c**p you can't even comprehend.  Stop being a mindless regurgitating zombie for a bit, get an education, and THINK FOR YOURSELF!

  3. Magic 8 ball or Ouija board, sorry dog ate my chicken bones.

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