
How do they determine someone has clinical depression beyond control and isn't just in a temporary rut?

by  |  earlier

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I saw a survey which asks you a series of questions. However anyone could answer negatively if they're in a rut at that point in life. How do they know the difference between what's clinical and what's just an emotional phase? Some people might be emotional so they unknowingly exaggerate their responses while others might really have it but don't express it leading to an opposite diagnosis?




  1. I believe they put some questions with which they can easily differentiate between a clinical depression and a bad mood or a temporary rut . The clinical depression is usually deeper , last longer and more intense than just having an emotional phase . A bad mood does not affect the social life or work much unlike the depression which can really affect them plus in depression one experiences certain  body symptoms doesn't exist if one is just having a bad mood .

  2. Tests are just a tool and results vary. A good therapist can help and certain meds will help on a temporary basis, but the client has to process the root cause for depression and develop the coping skills to prevent a re-occurrence of it.

  3. If it lasts for 6 months consistently

  4. Depression is serious when it interferes with your ability to function in society. Here's a link to a site that should answer all of your questions on depression:

  5. real depression can come in waves... but this is usually becuz the person is trying to hide the saddness around friends or family. deep down you are always sad. wanting to cry for no reason and non stop. you dont care to go out. your out looks is, NOTHING WILL MAKE IT BETTER.

    if you are in a rut its becuz something set you off recently! give it a day or even two... you  might just get over it. little things add up and make things seem to be worse! if its not better after a few days of being sad (its normal to cry) then seek help

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