
How do they figure Food Stamp eligibility for retired widow?

by  |  earlier

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My mother is retired and a widow and recently applied for FS and was denied...we're trying to figure out why. All the counselor will tell her is that she's over the income limit...which doesn't make sense. She draws 1185/mo, has a 353 mortgage (had to remortgage the house to get pymts down), one car pd off, but showed $600 in chkg because the mortgage pymt hadn't been drafted yet, then her utilities($266 standard deduction), medicine ( at least $150/mo) and suppl insu premium...Assets are the car and an $8000 life ins policy (which isn't supposed to be counted). How do they figure food stamps...should she appeal?




  1. $1185 income

    -$134 Standard deduction

    -$115 ($150 Medical-$35)



    1/2 of income = $468

    $353 Mortgage

    $266 SUA


    $619 Shelter Costs

    -$468 1/2 of income



    $936 Income



    $785 Income to be used in budget based on the info you provided.

    With $785 in income your mom should be eligible for at least $10 in food stamps. This amount may or may not be increased by providing all receipts showing how much she is really paying for medical costs (all insurances including medicare, prescriptions, glasses, wheelchair, etc.) and also proof of property taxes and insurance not included in the mortgage payment.

    You should speak to the worker again and if she still doesn't want to give the food stamps to your mom then speak to her supervisor then to the Regional manager. If all this fails then file the appeal. The reason is it will take longer to get the food stamps once you file the appeal.

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