
How do they (fuelers) empty two, 8 gal. fuel cans in less than 10 seconds?

by Guest67039  |  earlier

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How do they (fuelers) empty two, 8 gal. fuel cans in less than 10 seconds?




  1. must have air hole to keep from vapor locking

    like shotgunning a beer

  2. one can at a time, as far as i can tell...


  3. Positive pressure. There is a breather valve on both the car(near the filler) and fuel canister.  Remember the old days when you popped two holes in a can of juice so it could pour faster?  Same concept.

    The fuel just dumps itself.

  4. i pited a race car before the gas can has a long medal tube running from the bottom of the can when they flip it over they hold there thumb on it to keep fuel from spilling out after its flipped they remove it and then it becomes the air line like they said when you cut hole in both ends of can the fluid rushes out  the catch can is at the other end of the fuel line after the tank is full the overflow comes out the back to the catch can indicating a full tank years ago a driver got caught because he ran a very long fuel line threw out the car were nascar couldnt see it eventually they did find it back in the day they called it having an advantage racers dont call it cheating we are allways looking for way to run longer and faster  

  5. i think they either (if they have visors) have a picture of Katie Kenseth taped to their visor or they are just that good

  6. As Tbone said positive pressure, there are three lines going into the fuel cell the filler tube which is about 3 inch in diameter, a vent tube 1 inch in dia. and the fuel feed line. The vent tube has check valve. That is why they have a catch can, they stick it in the the vent tube to open the valve and when the fuel comes out the fuel cell is full. I hope this helps.

  7. They really dont, NASCAR is fake.

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