
How do they get the deer to cross at that yellow road sign?

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How do they get the deer to cross at that yellow road sign?




  1. they put food in the middle of the road.

  2. Moose Tracks ice-cream. Deer's love it.

  3. I have no ideer.

  4. it is a law that deer must cross there or they will get a ticket. really ins. co. accident records show there are many deer collisions in a certain area and they put there signs in that area.

  5. are you freaking joking? you mean the sign that say's "Watch for deer" you think all the deer cross there? omg you really must live in the city because if you think all the deer cross at that sign you really got some serious issues going on in your brain like worse than mine hahaha

  6. I have investigated this, and found that most deer crossing signs have trained deer herders employed by your local government to keep them going across the road at the right spot.

  7. They don't, that's for your warning incase the deer decides to jump out in front of you.  You don't want to hit a deer do you?

  8. It takes many weeks of intense therapy to make the deer understand they should ONLY cross at the signs.  It's the deer who will not go to therapy that cross elsewhere and get killed while doing incredible damage to cars.

  9. ROFL....duh, if they dont cross there then they get in trouble for buck-walking!! The fine is horrendous...usually death by vehicle or shotgun.

  10. Deers do not cross roads where the signs are posted.  Whenever you see roads that are made through heavy wooded area, it is usual that wild animals like bears, deers would come out from the wooded area on one side of the roads and cross to the other side into the woods. The signs are made based on the observations of deer crossing areas. The signs on the roads are placed to warn people of deer crossing zone, so peple can drive with caution.   If people are not careful, the impact can not only hurt the deears, it can damage the vehicles and/or cause serious car crash.  You can read more about this at the following link:

  11. LoL! I haven't heard that joke in!!! I thought I was the only one who knew that one liner..Good one!

  12. The deer as well as us have to know and understand the rules of the road thus they know when and where to cross the road..................

  13. Garlic flavored croutons and a bag of Purina Deer Chow on the other side of the road.

    Electric cattle prods are needed for the more stubborn ones.  Road engineers learned, many decades ago that deer tend to disregard jaywalking citations and tended to eat them as soon as they were written up.

  14. Get your self some camo and hide in the bushes and watch for a week or two and you will see.

  15. They implant microchips in the brain cells of the deer that release more neurotransmitters when the visual system recognizes a yellow road sign.

    The excess neurotransmitter activity increases the deer's longing for new adventures, causing it to cross the road to experience what it's like 'on the other side'.

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