
How do they have all these nice things but no jobs?

by  |  earlier

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My auntie and uncle... i'm really suspicious about them.... my uncle just quit his job... & it wasn't that good anyway, it was just some sort of rep thing.. & my auntie works in tescos..... they own a massive house, have a really nice car, a lovely kitchen, with flashy fridge.... & they have 6 tvs in their house, all flatscreen and they have sky HD two separate packages, and they pay 65 pound a month for it... three children...10,13 & 17 with all flashy things etc... do you have ANY idea where they have all of this? I'm really confused...




  1. ok they manufacture drugs and rip the social security system off and your aunty probably sells her self on the corner hahahah na prob drugs or your uncle is a hit man or a bank robber or they could have one lotto and not told you... jeez bud there could be a number of things... just ask them!

  2. i have a few but why does it really matter where the money is coming from , you know them better then we do are they good people? if they are and they would never hurt anyone then is it really that bad you never know it may not be drugs could just have another source of income like a pension

  3. Probably benefits, credit cards , re morgages, loans ,maybe gambling

  4. Maybe lots of credit cards, loans, re-mortgage etc. Probably living beyond their means. Or maybe they have returns on investments, savings etc. I don't really see why it would be any of your business, but if you're that bothered you should ask them!  

  5. maybe how they get their things/money is none of your buisness.

  6. Hey! why do you want to poke your nose in somebody's affair?

    In this way, you will loose your peace of mind.

    Let them go to h**l, do whatever they want?

    What are you loosing from your side except your head?

    If you cannot control your anxiety, emotions and before your lower jaw falls down, go to Income Tax and Police authorities, lodge a complaint and see the consequences.

  7. I don't know how they are acquiring this stuff. Maybe they had some savings. Maybe one of them had an inheritance. Maybe your uncle was paid better than you think and got severance from his job. Maybe they had a healthy insurance settlement at some point.

    I do know it is none of your business.

  8. Maybe they inherited the money.  Maybe they made some really good investments in the past.  Maybe they got an insurance settlement.  You never know, and it's really none of your business anyway, too.

  9. maybe they are living on credit cards

  10. if you really want an answer ask your parents they probably know.

  11. hmmm possible benefit fraud? Or did one of their parents die and leave them money/property? Or maybe they got compensation for something? Ask your Mum/Dad

    Let us know lol I am curious now

  12. Your uncle is probably Commisioner of Benefits.

  13. it's none of your business.

    they could have invested well, they could have inherited the money, they could be so far into debt that they are almost ready to live out of their car.

  14. all the money they get they spend on luxurys and they get their food by stealing it from tesco :)

    ask your parents  

  15. Some people are very good with there money. They could also have plastic and be in so much debt it would make your head spin. Don't be envious of your Auntie and Uncle I'm sure that they are struggling to maintain there lifestyle.  

  16. She's probably a prostitute and he's a pimp and drug dealer, I'd call the police if I was you, or just ask them.

  17. I have been jobless since 2nd July 2008, but I pay for all my own expenses. Is there a problem?

  18. If they bought the house a long time ago they could have a great deal of money in the house value. It might be remortgaged to the hilt. Some people are also very good at bargain hunting for items. But I agree with the others that have said they might look okay on the outside but the bills could be mounting. Try not to get caught up in what other people have - it can make you miserable.

  19. mum used to say to me when people have a house of flashy thing they are upto their eyes in dept

  20. credit cards maxed,benefit fraud,drugs or prostitution take your pick! there are very few easy ways to make money left!!

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