
How do they keep all of the fans segregated at The Olympics???

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It must be a nightmare to keep all the fans apart at The Oympics. There are fans from all over the world there and all in one stadium with plenty of fighting possible. It must have massive security problems. How do they do it????? England should copy.




  1. I dont think there is any need to.

    Not enough european soccer fans there.

  2. Theres no alcohol. Plus its not soccer, those d**n soccer hooligans.

  3. Easy...they price the true fans out and fill the stands with rent-a-crowd paid people who couldn't give a toss!

  4. I don't think they need to!  Unlike football in the UK, sports fans and supporters at the Olympics seem to spectate in the spirit of the Olympics, just as most of the athletes compete in the same spirit.  Unlike a lot of football fans, the Olympic spectators probably aren't spending most of the day getting hammered in a nearby pub and then going into the stadium with the intention of smacking the opposition.  

  5. who said they segragate everyone????? just watch any event and you will see a mix of flags and people in the stands.

  6. This isn't football!

  7. Why would they? It's supposed to be about sportsmanship. Not all games are full of chavs and wags like football.

  8. They do not segregate the fans. They have so much security that it would be highly unlikely to have fights, although you can't fight human nature.

  9. i dont think they do, cuz whenever they show michael phelp's mom theres like a chinese group nearby. lol.

  10. Because people with intelligence realizes there is more to competition than fighting.  The spirit is much better at the Olympics.  Anyone who starts a fight because their team lost or because of someone else should be banned from participating.  That is just silly.

  11. They don't segregate anyone.

    That only happens in European soccer games.

  12. isn't English is the Olympics.

  13. This only apply to European football events. Other than that, there is no need to separate the spectators.

  14. You are mistaking them for football fans.

    Most other sports have fans mixed from everywhere without any violence.

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