
How do they know how many people listen to the chris moyles show?

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How do they know how many people listen to the chris moyles show?




  1. Each person listening to it has a device and they can tell how many devices their signal has been sent out to.

    Hope that helped :)

  2. never heard of a chris moyles.

  3. Same as TV, all they do is take a sample survey of listeners then calculate an average.

    TV and Radio ratings aren't 100% accurate.

  4. they can detect how many devices are recieving the signal

  5. It's nothing to do with devices recording signals.... wish it was...

    As Chris & Co have said many times on the show, how its calculated is... some random people are given a wee paper diary. And for a week or so, they write down what radio they listen to, etc.. then they give it back to the company and they times it up loads to guess at a figure, which is meant to represent the whole of the UK.

    If you know what I mean...

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