
How do they know if there is a terrorist on your plane?

by  |  earlier

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like ive heard they'll give u a card like a green one for no terrorist and a red one for big chance of terrorist in ur plane. i am really scared




  1. That's entirely ridiculous, there is no such thing as a red and green card system. The cards are blue and yellow.

  2. Well first of all, you need not worry about terrorists on a plane, because there are always things you should look out for in case they are terrorists.

    The first you should know if your passenger is a terrorist, is if he's from a foriegn country (I'm not going to say names, just to keep the respect). He'lll either have a heavy accent, or know perfect English.

    The second thing you'd want to look out for is if he's blowing on a huge joint he made while he took the taxi up on outta here. Or he'll be sucking on a Marlboro or Camel, perhaps.

    The third thing you should look out for is the passenger's bags. They can be either large or small, and may contain explosives and ammunition. But fortunately for us, we have high-tech technology that can detect a grenade or a Glock 19 or an M-180 or whatever before the "terrorist" can jack the plane and crash in the ocean or what not.

    But then you'd really got to look out for yourself if the passenger's luggage is checked and it turns out that he's got  two sticks of raw dynamite and a couple Roman candles. That's when he whips his AK-47 right out of his boxers and starts to gun down every unfortunate person he lays his eyes upon.

    But don't worry. This rarely happens in the airports where high security is taken advantage of, but you've got to watchout for the  low security  places, because that's when that old terrorist b*****d slinks past the unknowing guardsmen and......well, you get the idea.

    So take this advice for granted. And be thankful you've got big, strong policemen with huge night-sticks and loaded guns ready to pop right out of their holster at any time he smells danger in the air. So good luck, and hopefully this advice cheers you up a bit! :)

  3. look for a guy that looks like he just came out the shower with a towel on his head if not he might be wearing a dress if not look for the guy that smells like *** they dont have showers in caves hope this helps

  4. I did not receive any card like you mention :) Never gone up a plane before? Don't worry!!! You will do just fine!!! Maybe what you can do is shout "IS THERE A TERRORIST?" in the plane before it fly :p Just Kidding... but it will be fun if you really shout :p

  5. The only way they can know if someone is a terrorist is that someone recognizes him/her as a terrorist.

    If they have a picture or someone with the FBI, CIA or any law enforcement agency knows this person.

    Other than that, you won't know until they show themselves.

  6. I am an international flight attendant and I fly to Santiago often.  Put your worries to rest, my dear.  The screening that passengers have to go through these days is thorough and the chances of a terrorist getting onboard are slim to NONE.  

    As an added precaution Federal Air Marshalls are on most flights these days.  Furthermore, as a flight attendant I can tell you that if ANYONE tries anything on a plane today every man onboard would be all over him.  Passengers are alert now and will not sit idly by and let what happened on 9/11 happen again.

    Please do not worry.   The most dangerous part of your journey to Chile will be the ride to the the airport.  Statistics prove that.  Air travel has never been safer than it is today.

  7. Erm.. a bomb going off maybee?? lol but seriously dont worry about it otherwise your just going to get your self worked up on the flight and may have a panic attack and its the last thing you need on a long flight when your all the way up there.. x*x

  8. Here is the truth.

    Terrorists actually doing anything ON-board your plane is very unlikey to happen for a LONG time. Why? Not only because is security very tough, but passengers would not simply stand back and let a terrorist do anything anymore. We used to be told to sit back and let them do what they want. Because we always assumed they would just land the plane and let people go once they had what they needed, thats what used to happen. Post 911 taught us that these fanatics will use the airplane to kill themselves and everyone on board. So what passengers would even allow it to happen anymore. They will be torn to shreads if they try to hijack a plane. And the terrorists know this. We saw it happen on the United 93 flight. I mean think about, a plane full of people and few middle easternerns with minor weapons stand up tell people to sit still.. would they listen? Not in a million years.

    The more worrysome thing at this point is whats get put into checked-luggage.

  9. yeah sometimes i get worried lol. ever since the twin towers, airport security, all over the world has been updated to the very best. all the latest security technology allows federal police or fbi, what ever. to catch teh criminal or terrorist before they even get on the plane! with camereas and trained professionals, they can detect if some one is acting suspicious and they will take that in and hopefully will make the right decision. The main thing now is that last line defence comes down to about 2 air marshans on each flight. these guys arre well trained and i doubt a terrorist is going to do much once these guys rip out a weapon. I assure you, the place with the most security would have to be the airport. Metal detecters, camereas, guards and police every where. what can an average man do to get past it all....

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